National Endowment For The Arts Propaganda Machine

There must be a law against this. Someone should go to jail. Tax payer money should be returned. Is there no end to this underhanded corruption? Yosi Sargent apparently thinks it’s legal to use a govt. agency as an arm for propaganda for his boss Obama.  No-one is reporting this except Glen Beck ,The Washington Post and a few on line sources.  Perhaps the media is in on this whole mess.  They were involved in promoting the  Bolshevik  Russian Revolution and the French Revolution.

Yosi worked on Obama’s campaign for two years  He was the publicist for Obama’s hope poster.

Obama Hope Poster

Obama Hope Poster

which is probably how and why he got his job at the National Endowment For the Arts.

For more about this and other trickery from other organizations see here.

Yosi here

and here

There is at least one book that claims the NEA is nothing but a political arm funded by taxpayers. here


Whistle blower Patrick Courrielche


After ‘Inappropriate’ NEA Conference Call, White House Pushes New Guidelines

here ABC News

Related Link
Hatch Act and Govt. Employees

~ by riffenberg on September 1, 2009.

9 Responses to “National Endowment For The Arts Propaganda Machine”

  1. Yosi with his plan to ‘push the obama message using the NEA funding’… Yosi trying to figure out how to speak safely… Who is this guy? He is misusing the money at the NEA. I am the speaker for Obama on these matters. I have the podium when it comes to the new vision and the radical end we seek. I am the voice. Yosi will lose his job soon. I am working on the bigger message about our systematic removal of the coal and nuclear energy forces in this country. I am sending them to the dust pile. I am replacing white corporate power slobs with our green power people who will produce the power we need (at least on paper). I do not appreciate anyone supporting yosi. Rights and dignity and respect for the minorities who are my base. I am the voice here in washington – not yosi.

  2. Second comment from another poster was deleted because of foul language.

    • Well, I should have used B.S. instead of the actual, but the wingnuts are spreading innuendo, half-truths and outright lies. A pox on to them!! (I’ss bet that this one doesn’t stand either. The last thing most want to hear is the truth)

  3. Well someone else has corroborated his story. Not that his story needs to be corroborated.. It’s on tape for the world to hear. her name is Lee Rosenbaum and she voted for Obama.

  4. My original reference was to Glenn Beck and his fabrication of the ‘Patrick Corrielche’ story. The only place Corrielche shows up is on the Beck show and on all the rightie blogs. NOWHERE ELSE

  5. My original reference was to Glenn Beck and his fabrication of the ‘Patrick Corrielche’ story. The only place Corrielche shows up is on the Beck show and on all the rightie blogs. NOWHERE ELSE is there anything to be found about this ‘supposed’ Hollywood producer. I can google my own name and come up with something actual, but not ‘Patrick Corrielche’. It should behoove anyone,such as Beck, to at least put out some smattering of truth, not just falsehood.

    • Are you kidding me? In this day of modern technology people can learn the truth for themselves. Repeatedly stating a falsehood in the presence of taped conversations and letters makes you appear as not the most honest person in the world.Furthermore there is other evidence of what the NEA has been up to over the years. The number of people covering a story has nothing to do with the validity of it. There is no fabrication. 95% of the media is not reporting the news and they have no intention of reporting the news. That’s why their ratings are plummeting. People don’t believe most of main stream media.

      David Rockefeller said,”We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination [read as ‘democracy’] practiced in past centuries.”

      –June 5, 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton) [Main source: Dr. Dennis Cuddy, A Chronological History of the New World Order

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